How to Make Healthy Habits that Stick

Don't Break The Chain 2016 Calendar

Every New Year’s resolution comes with good intentions, but the truth is that only a mere 8% of resolutions are successful.

Why are these statistics so dismal?

One reason might be that we’ve become more and more accustom to instant gratification. In an age of emojis and same-day delivery, it makes it even more challenging to play the long game. The key to success for any New Year’s resolution is to form a habit around it. The problem is that habits are as difficult to create, as they are to break.

You’ve probably heard the myth that by doing something for X number of days in a row, you’ll form a habit. Well, the premise is good, but studies have shown that the number of days it takes is completely up to the individual. What’s important is being consistent and seeing your progress. It’s also helpful to be reminded why you’ve set this resolution.

I think we can all agree that Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most successful comedians of all time, but did you know that he struggled with procrastination? In interviews, he’s described a method that he used to overcome his procrastination and train himself to write a new joke, every day. It’s called Don’t Break The Chain and it works like this; you take a calendar that displays all 12 months in one view, then each day you perform the task you want to turn into a habit, mark an X through that day. If you’re consistent, you’ll start to form a chain of Xs on the calendar. The game is to see how long of a chain you can build without a break, and it works because you’re able to visualize your progress, even if you don’t immediately see results.

To help you with your resolutions this year, I’ve created a simple, 1-page calendar that you can print out and keep at your desk or on your refrigerator. Fill in the positive habit you’d like to form and reason it’s important that you succeed. Now start building that chain!

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