Daily Smile – Day 3

Has anyone ever told you that they’re happy for you? Maybe you’ve been happy for somebody else. Either way, it’s one of the most selfless forms of gratitude.

Today was my son’s first day of high school. Like most ninth graders, he was apprehensive and a bit nervous. As a parent, I try to manage his expectations, acknowledge his fears, and prepare him for the challenges that he’ll eventually face. When I picked him up at the end of the school day and asked how his day went, his answer was priceless. He said, “I’ve made so many friends!”

As humans, we look for people to connect with, to find a place or group where we feel like we belong. Connor has always been in tune with who he is as an individual. Often, it’s made it difficult for him to relate with other kids. But this school year is a fresh start for him, and he’s already begun to form friendships with people he’s never met before. I could tell that it made him happy — and I felt happy for him.

For today’s Daily Smile, I’m choosing what I call empathic gratitude. To do this, simply express the joy that someone else’s joy has brought you.

I’m grateful for the joy I received from the joy of …

… my son. Making these connections his teachers and other students is boosting his confidence. These new relationships will help form the network of friends that will accept his shortcomings, celebrate his achievements, and never stop supporting him.

Now that’s something to smile about.

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